63. Complex stress-tests

Complex stress-tests are an integral part of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group's risk management and are complementary for stress-test-specific to particular types of risks.

Complex stress-tests collectively include the following risks considered by the the PKO Bank Polski SA Group to be relevant, including:

  • credit risk,
  • market risk,
  • liquidity risk,
  • operational risk,
  • business risk.

Complex stress-tests include an analysis of the impact of changes in the environment and the functioning of the Bank on the financial position of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group, in particular on:

  • income statement,
  • statement of financial position,
  • own funds,
  • the capital adequacy, including capital requirements, internal capital, measures of capital adequacy,
  • selected liquidity measures.

Complex stress-tests for the own use of the Group are carried out at least once a year in the three-year horizon, taking into account changes in the value and structure of the statement of financial position and income statement items (dynamic tests). Supervisory tests are carried out at the request of the supervisory authorities in accordance with the assumptions provided by supervisory authorities.