Net profit
The low economic growth rate and record low basis interest rates in 2013 were reflected in the decrease in financial results of banks. In 2013, the PKO Bank Polski SA Group achieved high financial results.
In 2013, Polish banking sector maintained strict cost control over administrative expenses, including i.a. maintaining by banks a selective approach towards the development of the branch network and an intensive growth of internet and mobile banking. In 2013, the PKO Bank Polski SA Group maintained the relation of costs to income at a low level – lower than the value realised by the peer group.
ROA net
In 2013, financial results of the banking sector were influenced by low interest rates, accompanied by positive influence of cost discipline and lower credit risk costs. At the same time, active policy of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group contributed to maintain a high return on assets.
ROE net
The macroeconomic situation in 2013 contributed to a significantly lower growth rate of the financial result compared with 2012, which resulted in lower return on equity. In 2013, the PKO Bank Polski SA Group maintained high profitability.
Capital adequacy ratio
The capital adequacy of the banking sector in 2013 remained stable and as a result, capital adequacy ratio remained on a high level in the whole sector.
The level of capital adequacy ratio in the PKO Bank Polski SA Group remained also at a safe and stable level – significantly above the minimum level set by the Banking Act.
[1]Peer group includes the following Groups: Pekao SA, mBank SA (BRE Bank SA), ING Bank Śląski SA, BZ WBK SA. Ratio calculations are based on the data available in consolidated annual reports of the particular banks (data for the years 2005-2012), and due to lack of publications of some of the banks from the peer group consolidated annual reports for 2013 before publication date of consolidated annual report of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group, data for three quarters of 2013 of these banks, as data representing trends in 2013, was adopted. All data is weighted by total assets.
[2] Peer group includes the following Groups: Pekao SA, mBank SA (BRE Bank SA), ING Bank Śląski SA, BZ WBK SA. Ratio calculations are based on the data available in consolidated annual reports of the particular banks (data for the years 2005-2012), and due to lack of publications of some of the banks from the peer group consolidated annual reports for 2013 before publication date of consolidated annual report of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group, data for three quarters of 2013 of these banks, as data representing trends in 2013, was adopted. All data is weighted by total assets.