Share price of PKO Bank Polski SA at the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Share price of PKO Bank Polski SA

In 2013, the share price of PKO Bank Polski SA was mainly determined by the situation on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).

PKO Bank Polski SA share price and turnover in the period 29.12.2006-30.12.2013

Change of PKO Bank Polski SA share price compared to WIG 20 and WIG Banks indices in the period 01.01.2007-30.12.2013 (29.12.2006=100%)

In 2013:
  • the price of PKO Bank Polski SA shares increased by 6.8% (PLN +2.52) from PLN 36.90 at the end of 2012 to PLN 39.42 at the end of 2013, including an increase in share price amounted to 6.3% (PLN +2.32) in the fourth quarter,
  • the average price of the Bank’s shares amounted to PLN 36.59 per share and was higher by 6.8% (PLN +2.33) than in 2012,
  • the share price fluctuated in the range from PLN 32.72 (26.04.2013) to PLN 42.00 (18.11.2013), simultaneously the highest level since 26 July 2011,
  • the daily average volume of trading in the Bank’s shares amounted to 3 499 thousand of shares while the lowest level (498 thousand of shares) was recorded on 29.07.2013 and the highest (23 654 thousand of units) on 23.01.2013, i.e. on completion of accelerated bookbuilding for 153.1 million sold shares of the Bank by MSP and BGK. 

In 2013, stock prices on the WSE increased. The increases started only in the second half of year, after decreases in the previous months of the year. This was mainly due to the fact that the moods of investors on the international financial markets improved, with connection to gradually acceleration of economies of the European Union countries and the USA. Their optimism was largely associated with an improvement in the economic situation resulting from actions taken by the central banks, such as i.a. due to still noticeable effects of the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme to buy bonds of indebted euro zone countries, and the QE programme continued by the Fed, i.e. the quantitative easing programme for buying bonds. Such actions helped to ease tension on the financial markets.

The share prices on the WSE in 2013 were additionally affected by the macroeconomic situation in Poland, including in particular the economic growth slowdown in the first half of the year and a noticeable improvement in the second half. Moreover, the increase in share prices on the WSE in the second half of 2013 might have been due to gradual interest rate reductions by the Monetary Policy Council over the year (the total decrease of 175 b.p. y/y), which increased the interest in purchasing TFI units (which invest part of the funds on the WSE) and investing in shares.

The share prices of PKO Bank Polski SA in 2013 fluctuated similarly to the share prices of PEKAO. Large batches of shares of these two largest Polish banks are held in the portfolios of foreign institutional investors, which significantly affects their prices.

Share prices of PKO Bank Polski SA and capitalisation of competitors

Change of PKO Banki Polski SA share price compared to share prices of its competitors in the period 01.01.2007-30.12.2013 (29.12.2006=100%)

Capitalisation (as at the end of the period, PLN billion)